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Glowing Bucket Drumming Concert Success

This past week we had our bucket drumming class performance! It was an exciting opportunity and a glow-tastic nighttime show! This is the first bucket drumming class we've done at Academy of Sound and we are so glad we tried something new -- it was a rousing success!

Our new drum teacher, Mr. Michael, led two classes for a total of 16 students for this four-day bucket drumming crash course! These students, ages 7 to 12, had a wide range of musical experiences with some never reading music to some who already knew how to drum. It was challenging and fun for all the students.

To finalize the class, the bucket drumming students did a glow-in-the-dark performance to showcase their newly learned skills! This performance was in the sanctuary of the First Presbyterian Church and as the sun set, the glowing buckets took center stage. The sixteen students performed two songs, Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd) and Uptown Funk (Bruno Mars). The performance took place on July 27th and it was a blast for everyone involved. We hope this is the first of many bucket drumming performances!

The Summer Recital is Coming Soon!

Our Summer Recital is on Thursday, August 24 at 7:00 PM.

If you haven't signed up to participate now is the chance!

The summer recital is one of our more casual events and it's a great low-pressure performance opportunity for students. The recital will be held at Academy of Sound this year which is different than previous years. Learn more, RSVP and invite others here. Summer students may sign up for the 2023 Summer Recital here!

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.

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