So far in 2024...
$1,371 Received in Donations
4 Scholarship Applications Received
50% of Applicants Funded
$1,114 Total Scholarships Awarded
$79 spent on License & Charitable Credential
Founded in 2013, Academy of Sound Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides financial assistance to students 18 years old and younger who are interested in pursuing a serious, private study of music, but who are unable to pay full tuition. Partial and full scholarships are awarded by the scholarship advisory board on the basis of need, demonstrated interest, and available funds. Needs-based scholarships are confidentially awarded.
Scholarship award recipients are responsible for attending lessons on a regular basis in accordance with the policies set forth by the private music school in which recipients are enrolled. Excessive absences or abuses of the funds granted may result in the cancellation of the award and return of the funds given.
All donations are tax deductible. Receipts are sent upon request and/or after the end of the fiscal year.
Donate by check via mail:
Academy of Sound Foundation, Inc.
408 N Bergamont Blvd.
Oregon, WI 53575
EIN: 47-1571995
Let others in the community know about our programs.