Academy of Sound, LLC is a collaborating partner with Mariposa Learning Center, Inc. in order to bring music to our students. A music room at Mariposa is designed with our students in mind so that they can partake in private lessons or self motivated lessons year round. Studies suggest that learning a musical instrument benefits a child’s developing brain. It also suggests that taking music lessons at a young age can improve intelligence, cognitive, social development, and verbal communication skills. Mariposa makes it convenient for families we serve, by providing music lessons during school and/or after school hours. Lesson enrollment will be available directly through Academy of Sound. Please see the policies below. Visit academyofsound.org and select the Mariposa Families button to schedule your child’s lessons.
The following are specific guidelines and policies for how Academy of Sound works. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Director, Erin Chisman.
All Students Must Have…
A quality, appropriately sized instrument for practice –​ For piano students, this would include a well-tuned piano or a digital piano (88 keys, touch sensitive, weighted keys with a working damper/sustain pedal). If one is not available at home, students may practice at Mariposa during school hours. All types of instruments are available for rent from Academy of Sound.
Assignment book – We sell a variety of these at the studio, or students may use a spiral notebook.​
All necessary lesson and repertoire books​ – We have these in stock so they may be purchased through the school.
Metronome and/or tuner –​ Also available for purchase at the school. Most teachers require use of these tools.
Practice Requirements
Practice – with it we guarantee success. Without it, progress is slow, tedious, and discouraging.​ Playing an instrument is a complex skill needing repetition and reinforcement daily. The following are the studio’s ​minimum practice requirements​:
Beginners 30 minutes, 6 days per week
2nd-3rd year 45 minutes, 6 days per week
4th year & beyond 1-2 hours, 6 days per week
It is acceptable to “break up” these times into smaller segments throughout the day.
When to practice – ​We highly recommend that students practice right away when they get home from their lesson, as 50% of the knowledge acquired during the lesson is lost if this is not done.
Practice records​ – You will find space for writing in the amount of time practiced each day in your assignment book. We recommend that all students fill these in for their teacher and for their own information.
Mariposa will provide opportunities for children to practice during hours of care.
We hold several performances each year including a Holiday Recital in December, Spring Recitals in May, and Mariposa’s Summer Art Show in August. We have other events throughout the year such as memory, honors, and summer recitals in the park, fundraiser concerts, and so on. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for these recitals as they and their teacher observe readiness. Sign-ups will have a limited number of openings and will have deadlines for withdrawal, so if you sign up you are expected to perform.
Regular, consistent attendance is critical to succeeding at a mastery of any musical instrument. Through our partnership with Mariposa, lessons will be conveniently scheduled during the school day or after hours. If a student is sick or otherwise absent from Mariposa on the day of their lesson, every effort will be made to swap within the schedule that week to ensure they still receive a lesson. For students missing a whole week at a time, unfortunately swapping will not be an option and the lesson would simply be missed that week. Fees for absences are not reimbursable.
Discontinuance of lessons​ – Students are automatically enrolled through the end date listed on their enrollment (please see your enrollment confirmation email). Anyone wishing to discontinue for any reason must notify the director. A disenrollment meeting will be scheduled for the family with the director and teacher(s). There will be no refunds or release of obligation to pay off your balance. You may be given the choice to pay your balance in full at the time of disenrollment, or continue with your payment schedule until the balance is paid in full.
Conference Lessons​ – The last lesson of each semester will be a conference lesson, in which our teachers invite parents/caregivers so that we can discuss progress and concerns, and also show off what your child has learned! Parents are also welcome to sit in on lessons anytime.
Teacher Evaluations – Each year, our Managing Director completes our teacher evaluations. Part of this process will require observations of a few of each teacher's lessons. This may include your child’s lesson.
School Closings due to weather​ – If Mariposa closes, the Academy of Sound lessons at Mariposa will also be cancelled. Fees for these days are not reimbursable.
Registration Fees, Tuition Dues, Other Charges, and Payments
Registration Fee​ – Annually $60 per family (household). The annual fee covers June - May.
Tuition​ – Special Tuition fees are listed on our website for Mariposa student openings, and can be verified by logging into your account and checking your family's enrollment.
Payment Schedules​ – Upon enrollment, you will select a payment schedule. Choices are: 15​th​ of the month, semesterly, or annually. You may update your payment schedule at any time.
Returned bank payment/ACH​ – A fee of $30 will be charged for all payments returned due to insufficient funds. The balance will need to be covered by another payment method before the due date.
Declined credit cards​ – You will receive two emails and a phone call almost immediately if your card is declined. You may either give us new card information by phone, or log in to enter it yourself. If this is not done within 5 days, lessons will be suspended and a late fee applied.
Payment methods​ – We accept autopay by bank account or credit card.
Books​ – We are able to order all of the books students need through the studio. These will be billed monthly, and will be charged automatically. Optionally, you may provide a check, cash, or credit card in person upon receipt of items. The teacher will let you know if there are other books and materials that you will need to purchase on your own.
Accompanists​ - Students or their families are responsible to pay their own accompanist for recitals, competitions, auditions or any other event which requires an accompanist. We have several teachers who are available to accompany students, or you are welcome to find your own accompanist. Please ask your accompanist how much they charge, and pay them before the day of the event.
Studio Rules
No food, drinks, gum, candy, etc. in the lesson rooms. Water is allowed in a container with a lid.
Please leave wet/muddy/snowy shoes or boots in the classroom entrance or hall on a floor mat.
No running, fighting, shouting, or any behavior that could be defined as such.
This is ​very​ rare, but we include this information just in case. If a student is put on probation, it will be for a period of one month. If the situation does not improve within that time, the student will be dismissed. There will be no refunds, and tuition will be required to be paid through the original enrollment term.
Situations where a student/family may be put on probation include, but are not limited to:
Behavior or language that is inappropriate or distracting during lesson time.
Not meeting the practice requirements.
Mistreating equipment or materials in the studio.
Being disrespectful to teachers and/or other students.
Purposely interfering with the normal activities of other tenants in the building.
Habitual no-shows
Paying late two or more times in a year.
A Student will be immediately​ dismissed:​
If parent/student refuses to pay (in full & including late fees), or if parent withholds payment for any reason not previously discussed with the director.
If parent/student threatens, harasses, or tries to intimidate any teacher or other student.
For stealing.
Any of the above situations will result in immediate dismissal, but will not cancel any obligation to pay tuition through the end of the term.
If care discontinues with Mariposa.
In the case that care discontinues with Mariposa, students may transfer their enrollment to Academy of Sound’s other locations.
Parents are responsible to pay for the difference in charges.
We hope that you will find that these guidelines make Academy of Sound an enjoyable place for you and your children to learn. Please stay in close contact with the directors and your child's teacher about any concerns, questions, or feedback.